
oz is like lizard-land


Anonymous said...

ce lézard a pris la couleur de la terre environnante,tout juste comme un chaméléon, il est tout surpris on dirait

hijacked frequencies said...

yr photography is amazing.

nymphtress said...

wow! it seems like a lifetime ago that i contacted you from japon... we are living such very different australian experiences! for me, life here is a big smack in the face. re-immersion into a culture and way of self that i had almost forgotten and have travelled so so so far away from... western civilizations. weird.
was in byron today with some mates, hit the bangalow markets... fun, organic, hippies... ate the most delicious apple. trying to keep it simple...
you kids look awesome! have the best time!

Anonymous said...

Great site lots of usefull infomation here.