
Body found in Port Douglas Home

Early this morning, police found the decimated remains of what appeared to have been a large cockroach. The murder weapon, a large grey and blue flip flop, was recovered at the scene. Police have concluded, by the evidently large number of hits the victim took, that this is not a hit and run. It also appears that the attacker chased the victim for some time before striking. The murderer is still at large, police have released a profile and are asking anyone who sees a tall male, with dark hair and wearing only one grey and blue Reef flip flop to contact the Port Douglas Police Department (PDPD) immediately. The suspect is considered armed and potentially dangerous.
Copyright Alexi Hobbs 2005


Anonymous said...


Je crois que tu devrais sérieusement penser à te lancer dans les romans ...je crois que tu as bcp de talents pour l'écriture...et ce serait bien dommage de ne pas en faire bénéficier les gens !!!!

Alors penses-y sérieusement !!!

Anonymous said...

en tout cas ton flip flop valait sêrement mieux que notre pauvre petite tapette à mouche, ouch! la coquerelle n'a pas fait vieux os en dessous de cette gigantesque nouvelle sorte de tapette à mouches appelee Flip Flop.

I am sure they will find u, murderer, I think they probably can extract some of your own DNA
right from the murder weapon

Anonymous said...

what happened to you man? You used to live among the little critters (and less little ones) and now you see one inside your 4 walls and you go postal on it?.. for shame... you used to be cool man, now you're just a killer!

Alexi Hobbs said...

well, you must understand vince, there was a damsel in distress, screaming after me from the shower. i had to help her and put my love of the four and six and eight legged aside for this one time. not that i'm admitting to anything...

Anonymous said...

aaaaah, dames!

Anonymous said...

sick dude