Marcus J : Dive Instructor Extraordinaire
last sunday, Sam and I completed three adventure dives with our all-star instructor, marcus. we did a deep dive, down to 30 m (ok ok, so it was only 26.5 m...) and had to write our name from back to front, including all middle names (Sam has 3...) and we had to do some math problems. math problems ? WTF ? well, as you go further down, the possibility of nitrogen narcossis increases. nitrogen narcossis is when you get too much of the old nitro gas in your blood and you start act all foolish-like, winking at sharks, making sand castles on the bottom and blowing bubbles from your limited air-supply. so, to see if we were suffering from nitrogen narcossis, marcus had us perform these simple tasks. i must say i felt slightly light-headed, but i felt ok. ("i can drive dude, i'm alright..i've only had 6 beers...dude, don't worry...i'm fiiine"). then i did an underwater naturalist dive, where i had to identify different vertebrates and invertebrates. one of them was real easy to identify cuz it was like 3 m accross, it was an Eagle Ray and goddamn was it ever sweet to see. it was huuuuuge. then on the third dive, we did some underwater navigation, with a compass. i'm telling you right now, swimming from one point to another ain't that easy, add a compass to the equation...sheesh, i was going all up and down. there is a 3rd dimension underwater and i don't have the fins to keep me level...heheh. so with the completion of these dives Sam and I are now certified PADI Advanced Open Water Divers ! Sweet. cheers marcus. oh and remember that Sam still owes you two beers for saying goggles, instead of mask. sorry Sam...
Just looked at your amazing photos, what an experiance.
Will get back with more comments later.
Kick ass Al. I really wish I was there with you.\
dude, marc, you've no idea...everything here is like made for you. come please.
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